Best Online Blackjack CA

Even though California is known for its majestic beaches, terrifying earthquakes, and Silicone Valley millionaires, there is actually another force working behind the scenes that ties this state of over forty million people together. Although we’d love to say that the mysterious power happens to be blackjack and online gambling, it is actually the fearless passion found in almost every resident as they live their lives in the fast lane. Of course, California natives also love their online blackjack tables as well…which is why we are having this discussion.

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Finding Great Gaming in California

While there are hundreds of registered casinos, poker rooms, and sportsbooks in California, very few of them actually go out of their way to make their customers actually feel appreciated. We visited one the other week, for example, that said they had decided to eliminate loyalty rewards all together because their patrons vastly preferred things like their free Sunday brunch that features waffles, omelets, and sausage patties. Now, we don’t know about you, but to us there is no comparison between sausage patties and actually being compensated.

To be fair, there are a few great brick and mortar casinos in the California area. The problem we have with them is that they will set up 2-3 $5 blackjack tables but have 40-60 $50-100 seats available…forcing you to play well outside your comfort zone. In order to play there, the patrons have to be fully dedicated to wagering thousands of dollars per hour and that’s simply not what your everyday, average gambler in the stat of California is looking for. For these reasons alone (plus about twenty others), gambling in land-based casinos around LA, San Francisco, or anywhere else in the state is completely out of the question.

The Difference in Playing Online Blackjack

When players play blackjack for real money on the Internet, all of those restrictions that were mentioned a moment ago simply disappear. It really doesn’t matter if a patron wants to play for $1 per hand or $500, because customized tables are readily available and in unlimited quantity. The hardest part of finding a blackjack table online is to remember your login name and password; seconds after it’s entered you’re in the game. That’s a big factor in explaining why over two million California residents place online wagers every single week; the convenience is simply unbeatable.

Then again, gambling online is only fun if you’re playing at a reputable establishment with great odds and quick payout policies. That’s where our site comes in at; we only recommend quality online blackjack casinos for California residents because we know what it’s like in the local gambling scene. The gaming establishments found above are the biggest names in cyberspace because they go out of their way every single day to ensure that you have a great chance of winning, plus the variety of perks that they give are also hard to beat.

Why Online Blackjack in California?

Let’s face it; the traditional casinos and sportsbooks are no longer equipped to handle the average gambler’s needs. They may tell you that they’ve cut back on their rewards programs because of a down economy, but at the same time they have obviously overlooked cutting back on ridiculous house odds and table limits as well. Just like in almost every other billion dollar industry, the casinos in California could care less if the average customer’s needs are met or what they expect from a gaming establishment; all they see is profits. Stop being just a statistic to an industry that makes more in a day than most people earn in their entire lives; give one of our recommended online casinos a try to see what you’ve been missing.

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